This version includes also the transmitter. That is why I decided to go ahead with the RTF version. I have been waiting for weeks to have this module, but it looks like it is going to be a while until HK restocks it. For those who have a Taranis, it is possible to get a module from HK in order to be capable of binding with the Blade Inductrix. One of the nice features that the Blade Inductrix offers is that it can bind to a Spectrum control allowing a better experience. I am not sure if the ducted design has something to do with this. Another thing that called my attention is that it is very quiet. Its flight is very smooth and the PIDs and rates feel comfortable to fly in tight spaces. The size of this micro quad is just perfect to fly indoor. I am considering a new project with a different platform to see if the final cost can be reduced. The most expensive part is the Inductrix. I didn’t count the Orange module and the FPV googles. Total cost is around $150 considering all the items mentioned above with 4 batteries and the Blade Inductrix RTF version. FX797T 5.8G 25mW 40CH AV Transmitter With 600TVL Camera.Ready to fly version (RTF) or ready to bind version (RTB).In order to create your Mini Whoop, you will need the following items: Step 6: Mount the camera and solder the power supply.Step 4: Mount the motors and the cable holders back in place.Step 2: Remove the motors and cable holders.